I always find it interesting how we seem to kick off the Christmas season earlier and earlier each year. It use to be after Thanksgiving. This year I saw Christmas decorations up in the stores the day after Halloween. Most everyone I talk to is disgusted by the fact Christmas is commercialized for so long. I, on the other hand, enjoy hearing the Christmas music and looking at the decorations and such six weeks before Christmas.
Being in technical ministry for the last eight years has meant many long hours in church or off site for seasonal services and events. So I missed many the opportunities to enjoy Christmas at Christmas time. I learned to appreciate all the festivities as much as I can before the full seasonal calendar kept me behind the scenes of the holiday. I even lobby my family to have Christmas in July each year….but they veto that proposal.
Tonight, my heart lost a little joy. I drove by two churches that had their outdoor Christmas decorations up and lite already. I am all for churches appropriately decorating their campus for Christmas. But….before Thanksgiving? I don’t think I’m ready to let church extend their Christmas season to before Thanksgiving.
What is the earliest that you want to see Christmas decorations?