Friday, August 17, 2007

finding Life...

Well I am off to Oklahoma with a few other staff members to check out Life Church over the weekend. We are in the midst of developing our thoughts and strategy for multi-site church. Life Church is doing what they are doing well. Though we probably won't persue thier strategy, we hope to gleen lots of good info from the trip. I was able to set up lunch plans with Terry Storch and Bobby Gruenewald on Sunday - totally looking forward to that!

I will recap the trip next week since I won't be intown for the services this weekend at Windsor Crossing.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Introducing LED

The world of LED is emerging. In doing my research I have found the benefits of LED for the live performance venue. I love what they bring to the table. There are a few draw backs but for what we want to use them for the major drawback is financial. We wanted an even wash for our upstage wall with the flexibility of coloring mixing and video playback would be cool giving us some amazing creative options. Such a unit priced around $2000 was expensive, let alone needing over 20 units for the coverage we wanted.

Now enter a buddy of mine that serves a church outside of the Atlanta area (If I told you his name you would be amazed…that I actually had a friend.) He told me about this LED fixture that they have been using. At the price point, it's a good little dmx unit with RGB mixing and on board dimmer. It did not do video but at under $200 dollars a unit we were willing to sacrifice. Check out the pictures on the previous post to see how it performs – all the color washes are the LED units.

If you're interested in the contact information to get your own LED units, email me and I will forward it to you. We are pretty happy with them.

In case you didn’t make it…

In case you missed one of the services this past weekend at Windsor Crossing, here’s a recap...

Opener: All Because of You U2
w/ produced media support
Worship: Jesus Paid It All & Amazing Love
Feature Song: This Grudge Alanis Morissette
w/ produces media support
Message: Forgiveness
Brian Wells, teaching pastor at Crossroads Community Church in Cincy, Ohio was our guest speaker this weekend.

Brian’s talk was about forgiving others who have wronged you. The front part of the service was to remind us that we can forgive only because we have been forgiven by the grace of God through Christ. The feature song talked about being wronged and struggling through those emotions and wanting to forgive. You can see or hear Brian’s talk by downloading the podcast. We had three panels in front of the room with words like grudge, hate, rage and resentment written in erasable marker. At the end of the service we gave the opportunity for people to ‘put the stake in the ground’ by coming and erasing a word that was symbolic to what they were forgiving or to just sit in their seat and take time with God to start dealing with those issues.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tour #1: My Office

In response to the overwhelming request of the 3 or 4 of you this post will mark the beginning of your personal tour of Windsor Crossing.
We start off with the hub of all things technical (perfomance systems that careful we have an IT department - it's easy to get us mixed up.) office.
For those of you who know me well, you will appreciate the 44 oz Freezoni that is almost gone. That's that oragne creme flavor by the way.....yum!

I'm back

Well, I didn't really leave - well, I left Wheaton, but not blogging...well, o.k. I did like some time away - but anyway - I'm back!

We are moved into the house, the kids are in school, I have been here at Windsor Crossing now working on my third week and everythings seems to be clicking for us. I think I am at a point now that I can ramp back up to blogging on a regular basis. I must say though, it was a 100 degrees here yesterday and is 100 degrees right now....thats just too stinking HOT!