Thursday, March 27, 2008

is there hope.....

So America is finally getting back to their senses. Chikezie is out. I am seeing some hope being restored for this year’s national talent contest, American Idol. Now, if we can just boot the totally annoying David Archuleta who cannot sing and has a ridiculous style of musical taste. He simply needs to go – in fact, send them all packing accept for Carly Smithson and David Cook. Let’s take the rest of the season and let Carly and David Cook battle it out for the Idol position….now that would be a talent contest. Or even better, bring back a wild card entry -Josiah Leming.


it's been a while....

It’s been a while since I have checked in. I was busy, of course, with prepping for our seven Easter services. We welcomed over 7100 folks over seven identical services from Good Friday through Easter. We did a ton of tweaking throughout the weekend, each tweak making the service just that much better. I love working within an organization that plans and preps and plans some more all to change an element to better communicate the Gospel in that service. There are so many great people that make up these teams that make it so easy to turn on a dime when needed. I have some thoughts from this past weekend but need to process a little more before I put them in writing.

Easter snuck up on me as I was in the middle of refining some of our production team leadership, continuing to define our system of shooting and capturing our service and message video, tech system upgrades and planning and prepping for our fifth service. The 5th @ 5 is our fifth service on Sunday nights at 5pm. We will be doing pretty much most of the service live but only the teaching portion will be via video. This is a bit different than our Loft Experience. The Loft is basically a simulcast of each service and but will ‘go live’ in the Loft for Announcements or another element like communion or a worship song, but then go back to video. Sunday night will be the opposite – all live and go to video for the teaching. This will probably be the best experience for us before we go off campus with a multi site location.

Our recent HD video upgrade will shine as we deliver content during the 5th @ 5 to a 8 x 14 foot screen with an Eiki LC-W5 6000 lumen WXGA LCD projector. We will drop the HD video down to an external hard drive out of Final Cut Pro and will playback through ProPresenter. Details and specs on the hardware and software will be forthcoming.

I will probably be out for the next few days but will try to get back atleast by next Tuesday and give a run down of our very first 5th @ 5 service this coming Sunday night and how the new system and team did.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

how fast can you?

ok....I finally just had to stop.
Have fast can you type?

43 words



beautiful art.....

I am not an art student though I appreciate good art. I don't have a list of favorite artists but have always loved the work of Jackson Pollock. Called an abstract expressionist, Pollock developed what was later called his "drip" technique.

I think I resonate with Pollock's work because his style gives me permission to think I could create amazing pieces of art as he had. One of my favorite pieces of his is called 'Free Form'.
When I get in the mood to be creative I pull out the virtual paint and canvas at and create my own masterpieces.


Muxtape - The Mix Tape for next generation

Muxtape is a simple way to create and share mixtapes online.
It doesn't get any easier than this. Register with your email address (no confirmation required), upload up to twelve MP3s, and that's it. Change it up anytime you want.
Now, instead of handing out the tape, simply hand out your own muxtape URL to your favorite girl (that should be your wife if married, by the way).


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mr Kent Shaffer over at posted his Top 80 Church Websites and Windsor Crossing is on the list....ofcourse!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

funniest church moment...ever

OK....yea, I know - it's been a while. I just haven't really had time to blog...nor have I had anything to blog about...or even wanted to (sorry, I really do like you - just not in the mood). Actually it has been a while since I have even opened my Google reader to catch up on my favorite blogs. So tonight, I thought I would atleast get caught up on my blog reading.

I came across what may be the funniest church moment on video. Carlos Whittaker (remember, my Goal:...yea i need to get back in the groove) posted THIS VIDEO on his blog. I fell over laughing....I'm still laughing - I had to share it.

I think that may have put me back in the mood!
